Past Trips

Carthage for $4

We visited the Unesco site of ancient Carthage today.  All I could think of was George C Scott as General Patton talking about the Carthaginians losing to three Roman legions two thousand years ago.  I pictured an open field like what was shown in the movie.  Instead we were inside downtown Tunis and saw some small sites with some excavations.


Two lessons here.
1.  Hollywood is a lie.
2.  That ticket we bought at the second site was actually admission to ALL the sites.

We wouldn’t have realized #2 if we hadn’t met a taxi driver who pointed it out.  He saved us at least 12 dinars today.

Read what they give you!  Don’t just think about how they failed to have change for the bills that come out of the ATM.

~ Freddy


I'm an engineer, a veteran, and an avid traveler. I agree with Robert Louis Stevenson - "I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move."

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